3 Buxton Old Road,

Disley, Stockport, SK12 2BB

Mon - Fri: 9:00 - 17:30

Stuart Fraser-Thomson Foundation

Stuart Fraser-Thomson was a husband, father of two boys, Robert and Philip and grandfather of Brandon Jojo and Jasmin.

He lived life to the full, incredibly competitive, he excelled at many sports including Badminton and Golf. He loved activity, cycling, running, skiing, walking, cricket and DIY.

He was also a lover of music, playing guitar and piano.

His life was varied, but ultimately, he was a competitor whether on the sports field or in the office. He was dedicated and driven, which helped him to grow his Commercial Insurance Brokerage, eventually employing 60 people.

Having worked for 30 years to grow and develop his business, he was offered the opportunity to sell out, which he took and decided to take a well-earned break and spend the winter in the Alps following the sale.

Stuart Fraser Thomson Story

How can we help?

The Charity has been set up to help families through this difficult time, Call the team to see how we can help support your loved ones.

Stuart Fraser Thomson Story

However, 4 days into his break, he collapsed and following scans and tests, he was diagnosed with a terminal brain tumour a GIV Glioblastoma. His prognosis was 6-12 months. Devastated, but not beaten, Stuart underwent surgery, chemotherapy and radiotherapy and was determined to beat it.

It was to be the toughest battle and the most difficult opponent he had ever faced. The tumour was relentless and robbed him of his mobility, wheelchair bound he maintained his sense of humour and dignity. Uncomplaining his only request being that he could remain at home till the end.

Our home was very unsuitable and required numerous adaptations, the most important being the stairlift, as the only accessible bathroom was upstairs.
We were fortunate that we were able to afford those changes, many people aren’t that lucky.

Stuart remained at home until he passed away in June 2011, he had survived 6 months longer than expected, which was a small victory for him. His passing left a huge void in the lives of his family and friends, but we were all thankful to have had the last few precious months at home.

Following his death with the help of Ashgate Hospice, we set up a local foundation in Stuart’s name to raise funds to supply stairlifts to the homes of the terminally ill allowing loved ones to stay together wherever possible.

This fund continues today and has helped many, many families stay together.